sota de bastos PAGE OF WANDS
This youth of courage and beauty with a nature that is quick in love and anger can be a messenger bringing good news. This card symbolizes enthusiasm and a desire for power or a girl with blond or red hair and blue eyes. Reversed meaning
Cruel domineering and unstable, this youth could be a person who breaks your heart or a messanger bringing bad news.
caballo de bastos KNIGHT OF WANDS
He’s a handsome warrior, kind and generous in love and friendship, but brutal and cruel in battle. Everything he does is in haste. This card may indicate a sudden departure, a change of residence or the rapid coming and going of some matter. This card also indicates a boy with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Reversed meaning
He’s a lover scorned who spreads conflict and discord through his jealousy. This card warns of disputes, interference and frustration.
reina de bastos QUEEN OF WANDS
She’s loving, generous and pratical with money. She knows what she wants and pursues it in practical matter. Success in business, love of home life, generosity and kindness. This card may represent a woman with blond or red hair and blue or azel eyes.
Reversed meaning
She’s domineering, unfaithful and revengeful woman who is likely to turn against someone without cause. Household troubles
rey de bastos KING OF WANDS
He’s a handsome and passionate country gentleman of good family. Loyal and noble, he’s agile in both mind and body. This card represents a good marriage, as well as honesty, friendlyness and passion or a man with blonde or red hair and grey or hazel eyes.
Reversed meaning
Self-righteous and ill-natured, this man is principled to a fault. Beware of prejudices and intolerance and guard against being too severe and critical with others.

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